
Appropriately, the word “manifold” has manifold meanings. As a noun, it can mean a pipe or chamber with several branches for connecting to extensions. Hence, a manifold is typically used to coordinate multiple flows into a single channel. In mathematics, on the other hand, a manifold is an abstract topological space in which all of the local points resemble Euclidean space, but which lead to a unique non-Euclidean connective structure.

This particular Manifold connects twenty-five artists, each with their own exhibition zone containing their respective artworks. As eclectic and diverse as the personalities of the artists themselves, the zones collectively represent the broad spectrum of contemporary art. In mathematical terms, the topological space of a manifold is consistent, but its relationships with corresponding spaces are characterized by uniqueness that is difficult to explain. Even so, these spaces reveal one common structure. Of course, these twenty-five exceptional artists are only a small sampling of the artists joined within the category of Korean contemporary art. As such, contemporary art itself may be seen as a manifold bringing together brilliant artists of every kind.

Through the Korea Arts Management Service’s Grant for Artist Management, Manifold was created as an online platform for artists and galleries who have been unable to hold face-to-face events due to the pandemic. Our sincere hope is that this innovative project can provide invaluable support for both galleries and artists, and thus encourage the participation of even more artists, galleries, and art lovers in future online exhibitions.

Thank you.

Artistic Director │ Jinsang Yoo (Professor, Kaywon University of Art & Design)